Database Application Builder module screen


Database Application Builder

Data is a pillar for managing complex products in the space industry. However, many organizations are still using spreadsheets to manage their data. This approach lacks security, workflow, version control, and integration with other systems.

The DAB module (Database Application Builder) within the ECLIPSE Software Suite improves your processes by allowing you to create custom database applications to manage your data.

Additionally, DAB enables you to create workflows for your team that automatically update your database when changes occur, ensuring real-time accuracy and efficiency.

Through years of experience, ECLIPSE has recognized that bespoke software development can be prohibitively expensive. In response, we have developed a configurable software product that empowers users to change their data effectively.

Examples of databases organizations are managing are:

  • Lessons Learned Database: Capture and share valuable insights from past projects.
  • Project Milestone Database (financial and engineering): Create applications for when big events are happening.
  • Request for Deviation / Request for Waiver Database: Change large amounts of data securely when changes are happening.
  • Inventory Management Database: Keep an accurate and up-to-date record of your inventory.

Examples of workflows you can create:

  • Classification Workflows: Organize and categorize data effectively, streamlining the way information is sorted and accessed.
  • Approval Workflows: Set up structured approval processes to ensure thorough review and authorization, enhancing accountability and decision-making.
  • Review Workflows: Manage comprehensive review processes to maintain quality and compliance across all project stages.
  • Request for Waiver Workflows: Streamline the process of requesting and approving waivers, ensuring that all necessary steps are followed and documented.
  • Request for Deviation Workflows: Handle deviations efficiently with integrated workflows that keep the process organized and traceable.

DAB features

  • The Database Application Builder (DAB) allows you to create your application easily within hours
  • Accessible on the web from anywhere
  • Removes the shortfalls of spreadsheets: lack of security, lack of workflow, lack of integration to other databases, lack of version control
  • Integrates with all other ECLIPSE software modules
  • Customize your database to fit your specific needs and processes.
  • Option to get automated updates when changes happen
  • Efficiently track and manage action items within your workflows.
  • Implement approval workflows to maintain control and compliance.
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